"Attending Provider Statement" or "APS" means the form, prescribed by the Authority and signed by an attending provider that states the individual has been diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition and that the medical use of marijuana may mitigate the symptoms or effects of the individual’s debilitating medical condition.
You may submit alternate medical documentation (i.e. chart notes) but they must be signed by an attending provider, dated within 90 days and explicitly state that you have been diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition and that the medical use of marijuana may mitigate the symptoms or effects of your debilitating medical condition.
Some attending providers are required to provide you with additional medical documentation. If your attending provider gives you additional medical documentation with your APS, you must upload that as well.
Click here to see a sample Attending Provider Statement and additional medical documentation form.
You must upload your medical documentation.
All medical documentation must be signed by your attending provider no more than 90 days from the day the OMMP receives it.